Electronics & Communication Engineering


Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering  is a Diploma level Electronics and Communication Engineering course.Electronics and Communication Engineering uses the scientific knowledge of the behavior and effects of electronics to develop components, devices, systems and equipments.It deals with recent trends in communication technology via wire/wireless networks, circuits designs& Micro controllers. After passing the course students have wide job opportunities in various fields including further study options.

Students Intake


Fee Structure

# Fee Component Amount Remittance
1 Admission Fee Rs.200 At the time of Admission
2 Tuition Fee Rs.750/Semester Beginning of each Semester
3 Special Fee (Revenue Portion)
  • Split Up
  • Library Fee - 250
  • Laboratory Fee - 380
  • Health Fee - 70
Rs.700/Year Beginning of odd Semester
4 Special Fee (PD Portion)
  • Split Up
  • Athletic Fee - 160
  • Visual Education Fee - 10
  • Association Fee - 60
  • Magazine Fee - 100
  • Stationary Fee - 60
  • Calendar Fee - 20
  • Youth Festival Fee - 110
  • Union Fee - 80
Rs.600/Year Beginning of odd Semester
5 Student Amenities Fee Rs.350/Year Beginning of odd Semester
6 Caution Deposit Fee Rs.500 At the time of Admission